Our standard shipping time for orders is between 3-5 business days. However, delivery times can vary based on the shipping method selected at checkout and your location. Please note that during peak periods and holidays, shipping times might be extended. You can always track your order by logging into your account and clicking on the "Order History" section.
To qualify for an exchange, please submit photos of your damaged products to our email at mxdmetals@gmail.com. As occasional shipping errors may occur, visual evidence is crucial for assessing the issue. All sales are final, and exchanges are the only option available.
Ensure you have the receipt or proof of purchase on hand when initiating the exchange process. Contact us at mxdmetals@gmail.com to commence the exchange. If your request is approved, we will dispatch a replacement for you. Feel free to reach out to us at the same email address for any exchange-related inquiries.
At Mixed Metals, we uphold a commitment to excellence in crafting all of our products from resilient stainless steel. While our gold and silver-plated stainless steel items are designed for durability, it's essential to adhere to proper care guidelines to prevent potential deterioration over time. If, by any chance, your items do not meet the highest standards of quality, you have up to one year from the date of purchase to request a replacement or receive the equivalent value. Your satisfaction is our priority!